Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 17:30   |   Weekends/Public Holidays: CLOSED

  • 55 Riebeeck Street Worcester 6850

  • Call Us On: 066 288 6486


We take care of your sight.

There are three primary reasons people require glasses to see clearly at distances: nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Nearsightedness is the condition where the eye has too much light bending power built into it. People who are nearsighted see better up close than they do far away. Farsightedness is the condition where the eye has too little light-bending power. This is generally not a problem for those under 40 because the eye acts like an autofocus camera and compensates for the condition by adding more power when needed. Hence, distance vision is exceptionally clear throughout the early stages of a farsighted person’s life. As farsighted folks approach 40, they will require glasses for reading, and they may have difficulty focusing at distance, especially towards the end of the day. Astigmatism is the condition resulting from the imperfect shape of the cornea and/or lens. Instead of being shaped exactly round, like a baseball, an astigmatic surface is shaped more like an eclipse, or a football. This creates two primary focal planes for the eye. The result is blurred vision. Astigmatism can be associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness, or can be independent of the two.

Single Vision Spectacle Lenses

These lenses provide clear vision at one particular working distance. Typically they are used for distance (>3m), intermediate (music/computer work), or near (reading/sewing) tasks. They are manufactured in a stock or off the shelf range of prescriptions.

Extended Focus Spectacle Lenses

These work in a similar fashion to single vision glasses but give more flexibility as they are designed to provide clear vision over a greater depth. Recommended for people whose near tasks require clear focus at a number distances.

Bifocal Spectacle Lenses

Bifocal lenses enable viewing at two different distances. This technology is largely out-dated now and is not prescribed as a first choice very often. Typically they are used as distance/reading glasses but can be made distance/intermediate or intermediate/near glasses depending on their intended usages. They have a distinct line separating the two areas and this can cause trouble with walking, especially up and down steps. They can also give vision in two zones and so do not offer the advantages of a progressive lens design.

Trifocal Spectacle Lenses

Similar to bifocals, except they have focus in three zones. Rarely used today.

Progressive Spectacle Lenses

Also known as Multifocal or Graduated Lenses, they provide clear vision at all distances from the wearer. This is achieved by changing the prescription of the lens up and down the lens surface to create focal points. The top of the lens is in focus on distant objects and the bottom of the lens focused on near tasks. The middle portion of the lens is manipulated to focus on intermediate tasks. An unfortunate side effect of the manufacture of progressive lenses is that distortion to the side of the vision is created and if not controlled properly this makes adaptation to the lens difficult. The manufacturing technique used and the quality of lens surfacing is critical to minimizing the effect of this distortion.

Schedule an eye exam today.

We offer a wide range of optical services including: General Eye Tests, Screening for Colour Vision, Assessment of Depth Perception, Assessment of Visual Acuity, Assessment of Visual Fields, Contact Lens Fitment, Assistance and Supply, Spectacle Frames and Lenses, Flight Medical Vision Tests, FREE vision testing for Drivers Licence, as well as repairs to all types of spectacles and sunglasses.

With the help of our friendly, well trained staff and Optometrist, Jan de Winnaar, we bring a new level of clinical care and customer service to our patients. To book an appointment for your next eye examination, please give us a call.

Jan de Winnaar


Feel free to ask Melanie any questions you might have about any aspect of your eye health or appointment. She’ll be more than happy to answer your queries and put your mind at ease.

Schedule Appointment

Call Melanie on (023) 347 1035